How to Play Chess3.Games
Welcome to the future of fantasy chess!
Chess3.Games is a Web3-based fantasy chess platform where users can buy Chess Piece NFTs, bet on them, and earn rewards based on real chess matches.

1. Getting Started
To get started, players need to purchase Chess Piece NFTs. These NFTs represent real chess pieces and are acquired through a bonding curve, which determines their price based on supply and demand.
2. Purchase Chess Piece NFTs
Buy chess pieces as ERC-1155 NFTs through the bonding curve mechanism. Prices change dynamically based on supply and demand.
Base Price
Price will increase with every purchase and decrease with every sale. Buy Price = Base Price + (Base Price * (Supply+1) * 0.1)
1000 $DEGEN
3000 $DEGEN
3000 $DEGEN
5000 $DEGEN
9000 $DEGEN
10000 $DEGEN
3. Lock NFTs for Betting
Before a chess match begins, lock your NFTs on specific pieces to predict performance. Multiple users can bet on the same piece, and you can bet on multiple pieces.
4. During the Game
- If a piece captures an opponent's piece, all NFTs locked on the captured piece are sold, with proceeds distributed to capturing piece bettors.
- Uncaptured pieces' NFTs are returned to their bettors.
- If the King wins, losing King's NFTs are sold, with proceeds going to winning King's bettors.
5. Claim Rewards
After the game, the official PGN verifies results. $DEGEN tokens from NFT sales are distributed to bettors based on the outcome.